This article covers editing multiple products in a bulk operation.
There are two ways to bulk edit and modify products and variations in Qoblex. The bulk editor offers you a spreadsheet-like user interface that allows you to edit multiple products and their variants at once. Another way to edit products in bulk is by using a CSV file which we will cover below
Spreadsheet-like editor
To access the spreadsheet like editor:
- From your Qoblex account, click on Inventory
- Select the products you would like to edit
- Under Bulk Actions, click on Edit products

The bulk edit action will load all selected products in memory and edit them all at once. This operation can be slow depending on the number of products selected at once.
The Bulk editor page displays the products that you selected and some of their editable properties such as the SKU or barcode in a table. The table will not display all properties at first.
You can select the columns you would like to edit by toggling their visibility on or off via the column visible (eye icon) toggle button available on the upper right-hand side corner of the bulk edit table.
Edit products by CSV
Another effective way of amending one or more of your products and variations properties at once is by using the Bulk edit by CSV feature.
To access the spreadsheet like editor:
- From your Qoblex account, click on Inventory
- Under Bulk Actions, click on Edit by CSV
Editing your products using a CSV file is done in 3 steps:
1. Export products information
On the bulk edit by CSV window, click Export Products to download all your product information in a CSV file.

Depending on your products and variations count, it might take up to one minute for the CSV data to download to your computer.
2. Edit the downloaded file
- Open the downloaded CSV file in your favorite CSV file editor (Microsoft Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets…). We highly recommend you use Google sheet for this operation.
- Remove all the columns you do not want to edit. The ID column must not be deleted as the system requires it to identify your products when the file is uploaded back
- Change the CSV file and save it back to your computer
3. Upload the downloaded file back
Now that you made all the required changes to the CSV file, you need to upload it back by clicking on “Upload your file” as highlighted below:

Delete products
To delete multiple products at once:
- From your Qoblex account, click on Inventory
- Select the products you would like to delete
- Under Bulk Actions, click on Delete products
- Choose whether you want to also delete the selected products from your online sale channels such as Shopify
- Click Delete
- The selected products will be deleted in the background. The final results will be posted to your activity feed
Products that are part of active sale orders (allocated, invoiced and partially shipped) or active purchase orders (approved, partially received) cannot be removed. You will need to close the active orders first so you can delete the selected products.