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  4. Bulk sync products to Shopify

Bulk sync products to Shopify

This article covers the process of updating products from Qoblex to Shopify.

You can sync multiple products and variants from your Qoblex account to your Shopify stores at once using the bulk sync product functionality. You can also publish and hide your products using the bulk editor.

Bulk sync products

The bulk sync products feature allows you to push a selected list of products from Qoblex to sync with Shopify. This is a useful feature to use if you notice one or more Qoblex products are out of sync.

To sync products to Shopify:

  • Login to your Qoblex admin account
  • Go to the Inventory listing page
  • Select the products you would like to publish
  • Click on the Bulk Actions button visible at the top right corner
  • Click on Sync products
  • Choose whether you want to stock levels to sync only or a full sync of all product data (useful when you want to update attributes other than stock levels)
  • Choose the Shopify store where you would like the products to be updated
  • Then, click Sync products

The bulk update operation might take a while to complete, depending on the number of selected products. You can watch the sync operation status in the activity feed.

Bulk publish/hide products

The bulk publish products feature allows you to publish a selected list of products and make them available for sale on your Shopify web front end. This feature is also useful when setting up and populating new Shopify stores.

The bulk hide products feature is similar to the publish feature outlined above. The only difference is that the Hide operation will make your products invisible on your Shopify web store, leaving them visible on your POS only (if you have one).

The bulk publish / hide operation might take a while to complete depending on the number of selected products. You can watch the sync operation status in the activity feed.

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