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Historic Inventory

Using Historic Inventory you can accurately visualize your inventory data at specific times. With this feature, you will have record for all adjustments that occur in your inventory.

To access your Historic Inventory and download a copy of your inventory report:

  1. Go to your Inventory module.
  2. Click Products.
  3. At the top-right corner of the page, click the 3 dots and choose Historic Inventory.
  4. Using the mini-calendar dropdown menu, choose the date that you prefer.
  5. Select the location for which you want to get your historical inventory data.

A file containing your historic inventory will be downloaded in CSV format.

In the CSV file, you will see the following information regarding your inventory data:

IDUnique code that serves as a distinctive identity to your product.
Product NameThe name of a product that separates it from all other items in your inventory.
SupplierThe name of the entity that provides products or services.
BrandUnique name of your product to set apart to other similar product or service.
SKUStock-keeping unit, special number combination used to identify and monitor products.
Supplier SKUSupplier’s version of your product’s stock-keeping unit.
WeightThe physical weight of a product.
CostThe total expenses incurred to produce your product.
Purchase PriceThe actual price or sum that is paid for your product which is vital in determining the gain or loss when your product is sold.
QuantityThe total amount of your product.
Wholesale PriceThe price of your product as sold in bulk or large quantity.
WholesaleComparePriceThe price at which the product is being offered by other suppliers or retailers.
Retail PriceThe overall price of your product once it is sold to your customers.
RetailComparePriceThe original price for a product that is on sale. When you enter a compare at price, the product displays a sale price. The compare at price is only applicable when you have an integration with a sale channel such as Shopify.
TagsThe label you place on your products to characterize as well as to provide more information.
Product TypeTo group the same products that share the same attributes.
BarcodeThe unique code written on your products that classifies it through numbers that is printed in the form of parallel lines.
Quantity To OrderThe total number of products that you need to fulfill your allocation or to complete an order.
Alert LevelThe total quantity of your products that you have left before you need to replenish.
Bin NumberThe labeling of your product in the storage facility where it is kept.
IsBundleIf this product is a bundle type.
AllowOverSellingIf you have allowed your product to be put on sale even if there are no stocks left.
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